Trail Minor Hockey - Page 1
1935 Minor Hockey Team coached by Jimmy MorrisYouth hockey was first organized in Trail in 1934, with five clubs in bantam, four in midget and two in juvenile.
In 1939, the Trail Boys Booster Hockey Club replaced the original group of teams; 130 boys participated. This club was under the direction of the Trail Welfare Society. The Trail Athletic Association provided financial support. The first President was 15-year old Jake MacLeod with Howard Edmunds as Vice President and Lloyd "Doc" Murdoch as Secretary.
By 1950, over 500 boys were registered and the club was reorganized as the Trail Minor Hockey Association. Teams from the Association began participating in regional and provincial championships for the first time.Booster Club TeamIn 1955, one of the first female hockey divisions in B.C. was formed in Trail with 4 teams participating.
The first provincial title was won by Gerry Thompson's Trail Midgets in 1939-40. In January 1957, Trail director Charlie McLean organized Canada's first Minor Hockey Week at Cominco Arena in Trail, promoting it with the slogan: "Don't SEND your boy to play hockey - TAKE him!"
In 1958, Minor Hockey Week was adopted by the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association to be celebrated across Canada.
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