
Ken Georgetti

Ken Georgetti is one of B.C.'s most prominent labour leaders.

He is currently President of the Canadian Labour Congress.

Prior to his election to that position in 1999, he had been President of the B.C. Federation of Labour since 1986. During his tenure, membership grew from 218,000 to 320,000 members.

He demonstrated a rare ability to bring labour and management together in joint projects without comprimising trade union principles.

Ken started his involvement in the union movement as a pipefitter with Cominco Ltd. in Trail.

In 1981, he was elected President of Local 480 of the United Steelworkers of America. As President, he worked to insure the long-term viability of the community economy by gaining support for Cominco's modernization project.

Under his leadership, Local 480 expanded its role as a civic organization supporting community social service development for the citizens if Trail.